We are pleased to announce that on 18 November 2022, a two-way Welcome Cargo Connect road connection will be opened between the Welcome Cargo terminal in Warsaw and the Welcome Cargo in Gdańsk.
For the time being, the connection will be operated once a week (Friday). Departure from Warsaw will be at 16:00, and arrivals to Warsaw are scheduled on Saturday morning. We plan to add more rotations in the future.
Furthermore, we would like to inform you that the vehicle is available on other days of the week by prior arrangement.
We transport loads of up to 1 000 kg in a vehicle of 4.20m x 2.10m. The minimum cost is PLN 220 N 2.50 PLN/kg of pay weight.
Do not hesitate to contact Karol Kędzierski or Sławomir Syguła for more information.
E-mail: k.kedzierski@welcome-as.pl
Mobile: +48 506 006 237 / +48 573 928 177
Mobile: +48 609 259 008